Flow Import Options dialog

Dorico Pro Help

Dorico Pro
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The Flow Import Options dialog allows you to determine whether players in imported flows are merged with existing players in the project and which flows from within other projects you want to import.

  • You can open the Flow Import Options dialog by choosing File > Import > Flows and opening a Dorico project from the File Explorer/macOS Finder.

Flow Import Options dialog

The Flow Import Options dialog comprises the following:

  1. Player handling

    Allows you to determine how imported flows are assigned to players.

    • Create All New Players adds separate players for each imported flow.

    • Merge with Existing Players Where Possible merges players from imported flows with any existing compatible players in the project.

  2. Import flows

    Contains a list of all the flows in the selected project. Flows are included in the import when their checkbox is activated.

  3. Selection options

    Allow you to select/deselect all the flows in the project. For example, you can deselect all flows and then activate the checkbox of a single flow you want to import.