Missing Fonts dialog

Dorico Pro Help

Dorico Pro
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The Missing Fonts dialog appears when you open a project that contains a font that you do not have installed on your computer. It allows you to select replacement fonts that are installed on your computer as substitutes.

The Missing Fonts dialog displays a table with multiple columns that identify the specific font families and styles that are missing for font, character, and paragraph styles and text items. Every place in the project where a font is missing has its own row. For example, if the bold style of a font family is used in three different paragraph styles, three rows are shown in the dialog, one for each paragraph style.

Missing Fonts dialog

The Missing Fonts dialog comprises the following:

  1. Missing Family

    Contains a list of font families included in the project but missing on your computer.

  2. Missing Style

    Contains a list of the specific styles within the corresponding font families that are included in the project but missing on your computer.

  3. Used By

    Contains a list of the places in the project where the corresponding font is used.

  4. Replacement Family

    Allows you to select replacement font families. You can select replacement font families by double-clicking entries, then either entering the font family you want or clicking the arrow and selecting a font family from the menu. Once selected, their names are displayed in the corresponding entry.

  5. Replacement Style

    Allows you to select any of the available styles within the corresponding replacement font families. You can select replacement font styles by double-clicking entries, then either entering the font style you want or clicking the arrow and selecting a font style from the menu. Once selected, the styles are displayed in the corresponding entry.

  6. Fonts

    Contains a list of all the available fonts installed on your computer. You can access the menu in the Replacement Family and Replacement Style columns by double-clicking any entry.

  • You can choose whether or not the Missing Fonts dialog appears when you open a project containing fonts not installed on your computer on the General page in Preferences.

  • You can change the width of columns in the Missing Fonts dialog by dragging between column headings. Their widths are remembered in future projects.