Flow names and flow titles

Dorico Pro Help

Dorico Pro
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Whenever you add a flow to a project, the default name of a flow is Flow plus an incremental number. In Dorico Pro, flows have both a flow name and a flow title, which are the same by default but can be different if, for example, you want to organize sketch versions of flows without affecting their displayed titles in the music.

Flow names

Set either in the Flows panel in Setup mode or in the flows list in the Project Info dialog.

Flow titles

Set in the Title field for each flow in the Project Info dialog.

Flow titles automatically match the flow name until you change the flow title independently. Changing flow titles removes the link between their flow title and flow name.

Titles shown in layouts are linked to the Title fields in the Project Info dialog, using the {@projectTitle@} and {@flowTitle@} tokens. This allows you to organize flows with different names to their displayed title in the music.


You can change both flow names and flow titles in the Project Info dialog, and you can also change flow names in the Flows panel in Setup mode.