Fretted instruments can have different numbers of strings and frets. In order to display tablature for fretted instruments in Dorico Pro, you must specify information about the tuning of fretted instruments.
Dorico Pro requires the following information to display tablature:
The number of strings the instrument has
The open pitch of each string
The number of frets
The fret number at which each string starts, such as for the fifth string on a banjo
The pitch intervals between frets
The fret number of the capo, if applicable
When you add a fretted instrument or change an existing instrument, any available tunings for that instrument are shown in the instrument picker.
You can also customize all aspects of fretted instruments in the Edit Strings and Tuning dialog, including adding capos.
You can create and edit fretted instrument tunings in the Edit Instruments dialog and make your changes available in all future projects on your computer.