You can move individual instruments without affecting any music already input for those instruments. You can move instruments between players, or to a different position in the instrument list for a single player; for example, if you want to change the order of staves in the score.
Changing the order of instruments held by a single player also affects its player name, if you have not already renamed the player.
You have added the players to which you want to move instruments.
- In Setup mode, in the Players panel, expand the cards of the players holding the instruments you want to move.
Move instruments in any of the following ways:
To change the order of instruments for a single player, click and drag a single instrument to the required position, then release the mouse.
To move instruments to another player, click and drag a single instrument to the required player card, then release the mouse.
To move instruments to another player, click the instrument menu
in the instrument label and choose .