Group names are shown as instrument labels. You can change the names of groups in percussion kits using the grid presentation type.
In Setup mode, in the Players panel, expand the card of the player holding the kit whose grid presentation groups you want to rename.
In the kit instrument label, click the instrument menu and choose Edit Percussion Kit to open the Edit Percussion Kit dialog.
Click Grid at the top of the dialog.
Double-click the group you want to rename to open the Edit Percussion Grid Group Names dialog.
Groups are shown as colored blocks in the column to the left of the list of percussion kit instruments.
Enter the names you want to give the group in the corresponding fields in the Edit Percussion Grid Group Names dialog:
Full Name
Short Name
Click OK to save your changes and close the dialog.
The name of the group is changed. This also changes the staff label for the group.
Staff labels for groups in grid presentation percussion kits use a different paragraph style to the staff labels for non-grouped instruments in grid presentation percussion kits.
Ungrouped grid presentation percussion kit
Grid presentation percussion kit with wood blocks grouped