You can delete players from your project, which also deletes all instruments held by those players. You can also optionally delete their part layouts.
Deleting instruments permanently deletes any music that you have input on their staves.
- In Setup mode, in the Players panel, select the players that you want to delete.
Delete the selected players in any of the following ways:
Press Backspace or Delete.
In the Players panel, click Delete Player .
Choose one of the following options in the warning message that appears:
To delete the selected players and all the instruments they hold, but leave their part layouts in the project, choose Delete Player Only.
To delete the selected players, their instruments, and all corresponding part layouts, choose Delete Player and Part Layouts.
NotePart layouts that also contain other players are not deleted.
The selected players, and optionally their part layouts, are deleted.
You can delete only players without music in any flow by choosing