The jump bar is a temporary value field that allows you to perform commands and go to locations in the current layout using only your computer keyboard.
You can show the jump bar in Setup, Write, Engrave, and Play modes by pressing J.
You can assign key commands for showing the jump bar in Commands mode and Go To mode on the Key Commands page in Preferences.
In Commands mode, you can use the jump bar to perform commands, such as opening the Layout Options dialog with the specified page already selected.
You can switch the jump bar to Commands mode by pressing Alt-C (Windows) or Ctrl-1 (macOS) or clicking Commands at the top left of the jump bar.
When you start entering text into the jump bar in Commands mode, a menu appears that shows valid commands containing the letters/words you enter.
If you show the jump bar in Commands mode after performing a command, your previous entry is shown with its text selected.
You can press Down Arrow to show a list of up to five commands that you perform most frequently.
You can only perform commands using the jump bar in the same contexts as you can perform the corresponding action. For example, you can only perform Setup mode-specific actions in Setup mode.
You can assign jump bar aliases to specific commands; for example, so you can use shorter entries for your favorite commands.
If commands have a corresponding key command or jump bar alias, they are shown in the menu of valid commands.
To go to bar 20 in flow 3, enter f3b20.