You can hide/show the toolbar in any of the following ways:
Press Ctrl/Cmd-6.
The toolbar contains the following:
Selectable workspaces in the project window that represent different phases in the workflow of preparing a score. If the width of the main project window becomes sufficiently small, the mode buttons become a menu.
Workspace options
Allow you to select different layouts to open in the music area, hide/show zones, and hide/show the tab bar.
Show Video
Hides/Shows the Video window. Only available when playback is activated.
Show Mixer
Hides/Shows the Mixer window.
Mini transport
Provides quick access to the main transport functions, including Play, Record, and Click.
Show Transport Bar
Hides/Shows the Transport window, which contains playback and MIDI recording functions.
Allows you to undo previous actions.
Allows you to restore previous actions that were undone using Undo.
Show Help
Shows the contextual help overlay in the project window.