Hiding/Showing zones

Dorico Pro Help

Dorico Pro
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You can hide/show individual zones or all zones simultaneously; for example, to increase the space available for displaying music in the music area, or to access options in a specific panel.


In some modes, not all methods are available.


  1. Hide/Show the left zone in any of the following ways:
    • Press Ctrl/Cmd-7.

    • In the toolbox on the left, click Show Left Zone Show Left Zone button.

    • Click the disclosure arrow on the left edge of the main window.

    • Choose Window > Show Left Zone.

  2. Hide/Show the right zone in any of the following ways:
    • Press Ctrl/Cmd-9.

    • Click the disclosure arrow on the right edge of the main window.

    • In the Notations toolbox, click the button for any panel you want to show, or the active button for the panel you want to hide.

    • Choose Window > Show Right Zone.

  3. Hide/Show the lower zone in any of the following ways:
    • Press Ctrl/Cmd-8.

    • Click the disclosure arrow at the bottom of the main window.

    • Choose Window > Show Lower Zone.

  4. Hide/Show all zones in any of the following ways:
    • Press Ctrl/Cmd-0.

    • In the toolbar, click Hide/Restore Zones Hide/Restore Zones button.

    • Choose Window > Hide/Restore Zones.


The corresponding zones are hidden/shown.

If you hide all active zones, the Hide/Restore Zones button in the toolbar indicates which zones were previously active but are now hidden.

  • You can assign key commands for showing specific panels in the lower zone on the Key Commands page in Preferences.

  • You can choose to hide the right/left zones when the lower zone is shown, and vice versa, automatically in all future projects in Preferences > General > Window.


Hide/Restore Zones button when zones are shown
Hide/Restore Zones button when all zones were previously shown but are now all hidden