Deleting notes/items

Dorico Pro Help

Dorico Pro
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You can delete any notes/items you have input into your project independently of each other, such as deleting repeat endings without deleting the notes in them. However, you must be in Write mode. You cannot delete notes and items in Setup, Engrave, or Print modes.

You can also delete notes in the Key Editor, but not other notation items.


  1. In Write mode, select the notes, items, and/or the signposts of items you want to delete.
    • You must select barlines directly, not their signposts.

    • If you delete some but not all dynamics from a dynamics group that is linked to other staves, the selected dynamics are also deleted from all linked staves.

    • Deleting only tuplets does not delete the notes within them, and vice versa.

    • To select multiple items of the same type, you can use large selections and/or filters.

  2. Press Backspace or Delete.


All selected notes/items are deleted from your project. Dorico Pro moves your selection to the most logical and nearby item to the deleted items. For example, if you deleted a note, Dorico Pro’s first choice is the nearest note in the same voice.

If Insert mode was activated, notes following deleted notes move up to fill the gap. If Insert mode was deactivated, deleted notes are replaced by implicit rests as appropriate.


You can also delete markers by selecting them in the Markers section of the Video panel and clicking Delete in the action bar.

If a slur began or ended on a deleted note, the slur is automatically repositioned to the next/previous notehead. If only one note is left under a slur, the slur is automatically deleted.

Holds and pauses are not automatically deleted if they are not selected when you delete notes. They are positioned above the note/rest closest to their rhythmic position, or over whole bar rests if you delete all notes in a bar.

Any repeat barlines input as part of repeat endings are not deleted automatically when you delete repeat endings.

When you delete barlines, the two bars on either side combine into one bar, containing the same number of beats but without changing the time signature. This might cause note, rest, and beam groupings to change. Signposts are shown at the start of passages with deleted single barlines.

When you delete time signatures, subsequent bars are re-barred according to the previous time signature in the score, up until the next time signature or the end of the flow, whichever comes first. Flows without time signatures are notated in an open meter, but notes and items retain their duration and positions.

When you delete clefs and key signatures, the pitches of notes are not changed but they are automatically notated according to the previous clef and key signature on the staff, such as with additional accidentals, up to the next existing one or the end of the flow, whichever comes first. Flows without any key signatures are treated as if there were an open/atonal key signature rather than A minor or C major.

When you delete octave lines, any notes to which the deleted octave lines previously applied are shown at either concert pitch or transposed pitch, depending on your current setting for the layout.

If you delete some but not all dynamics in a dynamics group that is linked to other staves, the selected dynamics are also deleted from all linked staves. However, if you select and delete the whole group of dynamics from a single staff, those dynamics are not deleted from other linked staves. Deleting immediate dynamics immediately before/after hairpins can automatically adjust the length of hairpins, depending on the context.

When you delete rehearsal marks, any subsequent rehearsal marks are adjusted until the next change in the sequence or the end of the flow, whichever comes first. For example, if you delete the first rehearsal mark, the second rehearsal mark shows either the letter A, the number 1, or the bar number, depending on your choice of sequence type.

Deleting tempo marks also removes them from the Tempo editor and the Tempo track in Play mode. The tempo in playback follows the previous tempo mark, or the default tempo of 120 bpm if there is no previous tempo mark.

After Completing This Task

If you deleted notes/items because you want to change where they occur, you can input new notes/items at the new positions.