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Dorico Pro Help
Dorico Pro
Document type
New features
Platform-independent documentation
Usage of musical terms
Documentation structure
Typographical conventions
Key commands
Dorico concepts
Design philosophy and higher-level concepts
Projects in Dorico
Modes in Dorico
Flows in Dorico
Players in Dorico
Instruments in Dorico
Notes and rests in Dorico
Rhythmic position
Layouts in Dorico
Page templates in Dorico
Key commands in Dorico
Options dialogs in Dorico Pro
User interface
Project window
Contextual help overlay
Workspace options
Mini transport
Tab bar
Project start area
Music area
Print preview area
Zones and panels
Status bar
Hiding/Showing status bar tools
Selection tools
View types
Page arrangements for page view
Zoom options
Disclosure arrows
Workspace setup
Switching between modes
Switching between layouts
Hiding/Showing zones
Opening new tabs
Closing tabs
Switching between tabs
Changing the order of tabs
Showing multiple tabs in the same project window
Moving tabs to another tab group
Moving tabs to other windows
Opening multiple project windows
Switching to full screen view
Switching to galley/page view
Changing your preferred unit of measurement
Changing the middle C numbering convention
Color setup
Changing the window color theme
Changing the page color
Changing the background color
Changing music area colors
Inverting colors
Changing the color of items
Language setup
Changing the application language
Changing the language for instrument names
Changing the language for date and time tokens
Preferences dialog
Key Commands page in the Preferences dialog
Interactive Dorico key commands map
Searching for the key commands of functions
Assigning key commands
Assigning MIDI commands
Changing the keyboard language
Removing key commands
Resetting key commands
Jump bar
Going to locations with the jump bar
Performing commands with the jump bar
Assigning jump bar aliases
Removing jump bar aliases
Project and file handling
Starting new projects
Opening projects/files
Opening recent projects from the Hub
Projects from different versions of Dorico
Missing Fonts dialog
Project Info dialog
Project templates
Saving custom project templates
Deleting project templates
File import and export
Importing flows
Flow Import Options dialog
Exporting flows
Export Flows dialog
Importing MusicXML files
Unpitched percussion imported from MusicXML files
Exporting MusicXML files
Export MusicXML dialog
Importing MIDI
MIDI Import Options dialog
Quantization options
Importing drum set patterns from Groove Agent SE
Exporting MIDI
Export MIDI dialog
Importing tempo tracks
Import Tempo Track dialog
Exporting tempo tracks
Export Tempo Track dialog
Exporting audio
Export Audio dialog
Exporting text
Recover Auto-saved Projects dialog
Recovering auto-saved projects
Changing the auto-save frequency
Disabling auto-save
Project backups
Changing the number of backups per project
Changing the backup location
Project access on multiple devices
Project Statistics dialog
Exporting project statistics
Setup mode
Project window in Setup mode
Players panel
Instrument picker
Ensemble picker
Save Custom Ensemble dialog
Layouts panel (Setup mode)
Flows panel
Players, layouts, and flows
Adding players
Duplicating players
Changing the default player order
Setting custom player orders
Designating players as soloists
Deleting players
Adding ensembles
Building and saving custom ensembles
Adding instruments to players
Changing instruments
Moving instruments
Deleting instruments
Instrument numbering
Renumbering instruments
Transposing instruments
Instrument changes
Allowing/Disallowing instrument changes
Moving instrument changes
Editing the default instrument change label text
Editing instrument change label text individually
Hiding/Showing instrument change labels at the start of flows
Hiding/Showing instrument change warnings
Hiding/Showing markings for quick instrument changes
Instrument change label paragraph styles
Percussion kits and drum sets
Edit Percussion Kit dialog
Adding empty percussion kits to players
Adding instruments to percussion kits
Combining individual percussion instruments into kits
Removing individual instruments from percussion kits
Defining percussion kits as drum sets
Changing instruments in percussion kits
Moving instruments in percussion kits
Creating groups of instruments within grid presentation percussion kits
Renaming groups in grid presentation percussion kits
Deleting groups within grid presentation percussion kits
Changing the size of gaps between lines in percussion grids
Exporting percussion kits
Importing percussion kits
Fretted instrument tuning
Edit Strings and Tuning dialog
Changing the open pitches of fretted instrument strings
Exporting fretted instrument tunings
Importing fretted instrument tunings
Capo vs. main chords
Adding capos to fretted instruments
Capo Definition dialog
Removing capos from fretted instruments
Changing fretted instrument transpositions
Using fretted instrument transpositions
Defining capos for chord symbols/diagrams
Hiding/Showing capo chord symbols
Showing only main or capo chord symbols
Defining capos for used chord diagrams grids
Hiding/Showing capo chord symbols in used chord diagrams grids
Player groups
Adding player groups
Adding players to player groups
Moving players between player groups
Removing players from player groups
Renaming player groups
Deleting player groups
Adding flows
Duplicating flows
Assigning players to flows
Reordering flows
Deleting flows
Creating layouts
Assigning players to layouts
Assigning flows to layouts
Making layouts transposed/concert pitch
Concert vs. transposed pitch
Duplicating layouts
Reordering layouts
Renumbering layouts
Deleting layouts
Restoring default layouts
Layouts with clef/transposition overrides
Clef and Transposition Overrides dialog
Overriding the default clef for layouts
Overriding the transposition for layouts
Removing layout clef/transposition overrides
Player, layout, and instrument names
Renaming players
Resetting player names
Renaming layouts
Changing instrument names
Edit Instrument Names dialog
Resetting instrument names
Flow names and flow titles
Renaming flows
Changing flow titles
Supported video formats
Video Properties dialog
Adding videos
Changing the start position of videos
Hiding/Showing the Video window
Changing the size of the Video window
Changing the volume of video audio
Removing videos
Frame rates
Changing the project frame rate
Write mode
Project window in Write mode
Notes toolbox
Notes panel
Notations toolbox
Right zone (Write mode)
Lower zone (Write mode)
Keyboard panel
Changing the keys shown in the Keyboard panel
Fretboard panel
Drum Pads panel
Inputting vs. editing
Changing your mouse input settings
Enabling/Disabling mouse input
Enabling/Disabling mouse editing
Changing the item input position setting
Changing the note-based notation input setting
Changing the input pitch setting
Playing/Muting notes during note input/selection
Playing all/individual notes in chords during note input/selection
Enabling/Disabling MIDI thru
Rhythmic grid
Changing the rhythmic grid resolution
Activating/Deactivating the caret
Extending the caret to multiple staves
Moving the caret manually
Note input
Inputting notes
Octave selection during note input
Inputting notes using pitch before duration
Inputting notes with rhythm dots
Inputting notes into multiple voices
Inputting notes into slash voices
Inputting notes and notations onto multiple staves
Inputting notes in Insert mode
Inputting notes for unpitched percussion
Note input setup for percussion kits
Default note selection during note input for percussion kits
Inputting notes on tablature
Inputting accidentals
Accidental selection during MIDI input
Disabling automatic accidental respelling
Inputting rests
Inputting bar rests into specific voices
Inputting ties
Inputting grace notes
Creating grace note runs for percussion kits
Inputting chords
Chord mode
Inputting tuplets
Tuplets popover
Adding notes above/below existing notes
Note durations
Selecting note/rest durations
Changing the duration of notes
Splitting notes by duration
Forcing the duration of notes/rests
MIDI recording
Inputting notes using MIDI recording
Retrieving played notes that you did not record
Repeats in MIDI recording
Requantizing notes
Changing the click settings
Changing the count-in duration
Optimization for MIDI recording
Changing the MIDI latency compensation value
Changing the audio device buffer size
Changing the sustain pedal controller settings for MIDI recording/import
Enabling/Disabling MIDI input devices
Notations input
Inputting articulations
Key commands for articulations
Inputting slurs
Inputting fingerings
Fingerings popover
Navigation during fingering input
Input methods for key signatures
Inputting key signatures with the popover
Key signatures popover
Inputting key signatures with the panel
Key Signatures, Tonality Systems, and Accidentals panel
Input methods for time signatures and pick-up bars
Time signatures popover
Time Signatures (Meter) panel
Inputting time signatures with the popover
Inputting time signatures with the panel
Inputting pick-up bars with the popover
Inputting pick-up bars with the panel
Input methods for tempo marks
Inputting tempo marks with the popover
Tempo popover
Inputting tempo marks with the panel
Tempo panel
Input methods for bars, beats, and barlines
Bars and barlines popover
Bars and Barlines panel
Inputting bars/beats with the popover
Inputting bars with the panel
Inputting bars/beats with the system track
Inputting barlines with the popover
Inputting barlines with the panel
Input methods for dynamics
Inputting dynamics with the popover
Dynamics popover
Inputting dynamics with the panel
Dynamics panel
Changing the gradual dynamic input position setting
Inputting chord symbols
Chord symbols popover
Navigation during chord symbol input
Chord symbol input options for MIDI keyboards
Inputting chord symbol regions
Generating chord symbols from notes
Generate Chord Symbols From Selection dialog
Input methods for clefs and octave lines
Clefs and octave lines popover
Clefs panel
Inputting clefs with the popover
Inputting clefs with the panel
Inputting octave lines with the popover
Inputting octave lines with the panel
Input methods for holds and pauses
Inputting holds and pauses with the popover
Holds and pauses popover
Inputting holds and pauses with the panel
Holds and Pauses panel
Correct positioning for caesura input
Input methods for ornaments, arpeggio signs, glissando lines, and jazz articulations
Ornaments popover
Ornaments panel
Inputting ornaments/trills with the popover
Inputting ornaments/trills with the panel
Inputting arpeggio signs with the popover
Inputting arpeggio signs with the panel
Inputting glissando lines with the popover
Inputting glissando lines with the panel
Inputting jazz articulations with the popover
Inputting jazz articulations with the panel
Input methods for guitar bends and guitar techniques
Inputting guitar bends with the popover
Inputting guitar bends with the panel
Inputting guitar pre-bends/pre-dives
Inputting guitar post-bends
Inputting vibrato bar dives
Inputting vibrato bar dives and returns with the popover
Inputting vibrato bar dives and returns with the panel
Inputting vibrato bar scoops with the popover
Inputting vibrato bar scoops with the panel
Inputting vibrato bar dips with the popover
Inputting vibrato bar dips with the panel
Inputting vibrato bar indications/lines with the popover
Inputting vibrato bar indications/lines with the panel
Inputting hammer-ons/pull-offs
Inputting tapping
Input methods for playing techniques, pedal lines, string indicators, and harp pedal diagrams
Playing techniques popover
Playing Techniques panel
Inputting playing techniques with the popover
Inputting playing techniques with the panel
Inputting pedal lines with the popover
Adding retakes and pedal level changes with the popover
Inputting pedal lines with the panel
Adding retakes and pedal level changes with the panel
Inputting harp pedal diagrams with the popover
Inputting harp pedal diagrams with the panel
Calculating harp pedal diagrams based on existing music
Inputting string indicators outside the staff with the popover
Inputting string indicators outside the staff with the panel
Inputting string indicators inside the staff
Input methods for lines
Lines panel
Inputting horizontal lines
Inputting vertical lines
Inputting text items
Text editor options in Write mode
Insert Music Text dialog
Editing text in text items
Inputting lyrics
Lyrics popover
Navigation during lyric input
Inputting figured bass
Figured bass popover
Navigation during figured bass input
Changing the figured bass input setting
Inputting rehearsal marks
Inputting markers/timecodes
Add Marker dialog
Video panel
Find Tempo dialog
Input methods for repeats and tremolos
Repeats popover
Repeat Structures panel
Inputting repeat endings with the popover
Adding additional repeat endings with the popover
Inputting repeat endings with the panel
Adding additional repeat endings with the panel
Inputting repeat markers with the popover
Inputting repeat markers with the panel
Inputting tremolos with the popover
Inputting tremolos with the panel
Inputting slash regions
Inputting bar repeats
Inputting numbered bar regions
Inputting cues
Cues popover
Cues panel
Cue suggestions
Inputting cues using cue suggestions
Inputting MIDI trigger regions
MIDI trigger regions popover
Selecting notes/items
Large selections
Selecting/Deselecting notes and items individually
Extending selections
Selecting more items of the same type
Selecting multiple items using marquee selections
System track
Hiding/Showing the system track
Selecting bars with the system track
Selecting beats with the system track
Filter Notes by Pitch dialog
Changing filters to select/deselect
Editing items
Lengthening/Shortening items
Changing existing items
Changing the size of notes/items
Changing the staff-relative placement of items
Resetting the appearance of items
Resetting the position of items
Hiding non-printing elements
Hiding/Showing attachment lines
Undoing/Redoing actions
History dialog
Navigating to other items in the music area
Going to flows
Going to pages
Going to bars
Going to rehearsal marks
Moving the view in the music area
Zooming in/out of the music area
Assigning key commands for custom zoom levels
Instrument filters
Instrument filter overlay
Manage Instrument Filters dialog
Activating/Deactivating instrument filters
Adding instrument filters
Renaming instrument filters
Deleting instrument filters
Hiding/Showing signposts
Insert mode
Insert mode scopes
Changing the Insert mode scope
Setting Insert mode stop positions
Deleting Insert mode stop positions
Arranging tools
Deleting notes/items
Copying and pasting notes/items
Copying and pasting notes into different voices
Copying and pasting notes/items to multiple staves
Copying and pasting notes/items to fill a selected range
Disabling automatic linking of dynamics and slurs when pasting
Disabling automatic copying of MIDI data when pasting
Moving notes/items rhythmically
Moving notes/items to other staves
Moving notes to other instruments in percussion kits
Changing the voice of existing notes
Swapping the contents of voices
Swapping the contents of staves
Reducing music onto fewer staves
Exploding music onto multiple staves
Generating notes from chord symbols
Generate Notes From Chord Symbols dialog
Project-wide note input options for generating notes from chord symbols
Pasting chord symbols as notes
Transposing tools
Changing the pitch of individual notes
Transposing selections
Transpose dialog
Transposing existing notes with the note tools popover
Repitching notes without changing their rhythm
Respelling notes
Respell Notes Automatically dialog
Copying note spellings to other layouts
Resetting note spellings
Musical transformations
Inverting pitches
Reversing pitches/rhythms
Reverse and Invert Pitches and Reverse Rhythms dialogs
Rotating pitches/rhythms
Rotate Pitches/Rhythms dialogs
Repeating pitches across notes
Repeat Pitches dialog
Mapping notes to pitches
Map Pitches dialog
Mapping notes to scales
Map Scale dialog
Note tools popover
Comments panel
Comment dialog
Adding comments
Replying to comments
Editing existing comments
Hiding/Showing comment information
Changing the author name used for comments
Reordering comments
Exporting comments
Hiding/Showing comments
Splitting flows
Engrave mode
Project window in Engrave mode
Engrave toolbox
Left zone (Engrave mode)
Formatting panel
Frames panel
Graphic Slices panel
Pages panel
System fullness indicators
Frame fullness indicators
Page templates
Page template sets
Creating page template sets
Importing page template sets
Exporting page template sets
Renaming page template sets
Deleting page template sets
Types of page templates
Creating page templates
New Page Template dialog
Importing page templates
Import Page Template dialog
Assigning page templates to pages
Removing page template changes
Renaming page templates
Deleting page templates
Page template editor
Customizing page templates
Page format changes
Removing page template overrides
Swapping pages
Flow headings
Flow heading editor
Creating flow headings
New Flow Heading dialog
Customizing flow headings
Inserting flow heading changes
Insert Flow Heading Change dialog
Removing flow heading changes
Renaming flow headings
Deleting flow headings
Inputting frames
Moving frames
Changing the size/shape of frames
Selecting frame handles
Copying frames
Deleting frames
Music frames
Music frame chains
Music frame selectors
Assigning music frames to frame chains
Unlinking music frames from frame chains
Changing the order of music frames
Assigning flows to frame chains
Assigning players to frame chains
Text frames
Entering text in text frames
Text editor options in Engrave mode
Changing the paragraph style in text frames
Adding borders to text frames
Changing the thickness of text frame borders
Changing the color of text frame borders
Changing the padding in text frames
Changing the background color of text frames
Changing the vertical alignment of text in text frames
Changing the horizontal alignment of text in text frames
Graphics frames
Loading images into graphics frames
Changing the image fit in graphics frames
Frame constraints
Defining frame constraints
Graphic slices
Creating graphic slices
Moving graphic slices
Changing the size/shape of graphic slices
Selecting graphic slice handles
Renaming graphic slices
Changing the image settings for graphic slices
Changing the export path for graphic slices
Exporting graphic slices
Deleting graphic slices
Note spacing
Changing the default note spacing
Per-layout note spacing options
Changing note spacing from rhythmic positions
Note Spacing Change dialog
Resetting note spacing from rhythmic positions
Deleting note spacing changes
Adjusting note spacing at individual rhythmic positions
Adjusting the spacing of individual notes/items independently of their rhythmic positions
Removing individual changes to note spacing
Moving the start/end of systems
Moving items graphically
Selecting handles on items
Hiding/Showing crosshairs
Tucking index properties
Play mode
Project window in Play mode
Track overview
Switching between flows in the track overview
Track Inspector
VST and MIDI panel
Allowing/Blocking VST plug-ins
Loading VST/MIDI instruments manually
Editing VST instruments
Instrument tracks
Tempo track
Changing the sound used for the click
Markers track
Inputting markers in the Markers track
Chords track
Enabling chord symbol playback
Changing the sound used for chord symbol playback
Resetting the voicing of chord symbols
Hiding/Showing tracks
Changing the height of tracks
Zooming in/out of tracks
Moving the playhead
Hiding/Showing the playhead
Enabling/Disabling playhead following
Playing back music
Activating/Deactivating playback
Changing the tempo mode
Changing the pre-roll duration
Changing the gap between flows in playback
Changing the playback tuning
Enabling independent voice playback
Disabling independent voice playback
Muting/Soloing tracks
Deactivating mute/solo instrument states
Muting notes/items individually
Hiding/Showing colors for muted notes/items
Repeats in playback
Including/Excluding repeats in playback
Including/Excluding repeats in playback after repeat jumps
Changing the number of playthroughs at repeat barlines
Swing playback
Swing ratios and rhythmic feels
Enabling swing playback project-wide
Enabling swing playback for specific sections/instruments
Deleting rhythmic feel changes
Creating custom rhythmic feels for swing playback
Rhythmic Feel dialog
Transport window
Changing the content shown in the transport display
Playback templates
Apply Playback Template dialog
Edit Playback Template dialog
Applying/Resetting playback templates
Creating custom playback templates
Importing playback templates
Exporting playback templates
Endpoint Setup dialog
Assigning instruments/voices to endpoints
Assigning expression/percussion maps to endpoints
Custom endpoint configurations
Saving custom endpoint configurations
Save Endpoint Configuration dialog
Edit Endpoint Configurations dialog
MIDI trigger regions
Hiding/Showing MIDI trigger region highlights
Print mode
Project window in Print mode
Layouts panel (Print mode)
Print Options panel
Printing layouts
Specifying ranges of pages/flows
Print Flows dialog
Specifying printing options (macOS only)
Exporting layouts as graphics files
Changing the image settings for layouts
Changing the export path for layouts
Export File Names dialog
Page arrangements for printing/exporting
Booklet printing
Duplex printing
Page vs. paper size
Paper orientation
Paper size and orientation setup
Graphics file formats
Image resolution
Monochrome and color graphics processing
Embedding of fonts in PDF and SVG files
Page formatting
Changing the page size and/or orientation
Changing page margins
Applying page template sets to layouts
Changing the default staff size
Changing the default staff/system spacing
Changing the vertical justification of staves/systems
Hiding/Showing empty staves
Hiding/Showing staves from system/frame breaks
Manual Staff Visibility dialog
Hiding/Showing blank staves after flows
Showing blank staves in frames
Changing the number of blank staves in frames
Inserting pages
Insert Pages dialog
Deleting pages
Starting layouts on left-hand pages
Allowing/Disallowing multiple flows on the same page
Changing when the First page template is used
Hiding/Showing flow headings
Hiding/Showing information above flow headings
Changing the horizontal justification of final systems
Enabling/Disabling condensing
Changing the margins above/below flow headings
Changing the default music frame margins
Changing the padding in music frames individually
Staff size
Changing the staff size from system/frame breaks
Changing the staff size for individual players
Custom Staff Size dialog
Staff spacing
Per-layout vertical spacing options
Changing the staff spacing in galley view
Moving individual staves/systems vertically
Removing individual changes to staff spacing
Moving multiple systems simultaneously
Copying staff spacing changes to other pages
Copy Staff Spacing dialog
Casting off
Fixing the number of bars per system
Fixing the number of systems per frame
Moving bars to other systems
Locking layouts
Resetting casting off
Allowing/Disallowing breaks within bars
System breaks
Inserting system breaks
Making selections into systems
Hiding/Showing system break signposts
Deleting system breaks
Frame breaks
Inserting frame breaks
Making selections into frames
Hiding/Showing frame break signposts
Deleting frame breaks
Hiding/Showing tacets
Editing tacet text
Changing the margins above/below tacets
Per-flow notation options for condensing
Condensing calculations and considerations
Condensing results
Condensing groups
Creating custom condensing groups
Including/Excluding condensing groups
Changing condensing options from rhythmic positions
Condensing Change dialog
Manually condensing players
Resetting condensing changes from rhythmic positions
Deleting condensing changes
Player labels
Project-wide engraving options for player labels
Hiding/Showing player labels
Editing player label text
Changing the default to/unison indications
Showing player labels on one/two lines
Erasing the background of player labels
Hiding/Showing condensed music colors
Part formatting propagation
Copying part formatting to other layouts
Propagate Part Formatting dialog
Copying property settings to other layouts/frame chains
Properties panel
Local vs. global properties
Changing the property scope
Changing values in numeric value fields
Key Editor
Key Editor panel
Key Editor panel toolbar
Showing instruments in the Key Editor
Changing the height of the Key Editor
Zooming in/out of the Key Editor
Scrolling in the Key Editor
Changing the Key Editor rhythmic grid resolution
Adding/Closing editors in the Key Editor
Selecting items in the Key Editor
Copying and pasting points in the Key Editor
Deleting points in the Key Editor
Notes in the Key Editor
Piano roll editor
Percussion editor
Inputting notes in the Key Editor
Inputting notes using the Drumstick tool
Moving notes in the Key Editor
Lengthening/Shortening notes in the Key Editor
Transposing notes in the piano roll editor
Moving percussion notes between instruments/playing techniques
Copying and pasting notes in the Key Editor
Deleting notes in the Key Editor
Played vs. notated note durations
Changing the played duration of notes
Resetting playback overrides
Playing Techniques editor
Velocity editor
Changing the velocity of notes
Resetting note velocity
Dynamics editor
Inputting dynamic points
Making dynamic points constant/linear
Moving dynamic points
Copying dynamic points to other instruments
MIDI Pitch Bend editor
MIDI CC editor
Inputting MIDI points
Making MIDI points constant/linear
Moving MIDI points
Copying MIDI points to other instruments
Tempo editor
Inputting tempo changes in the Tempo editor
Moving tempo changes in the Tempo editor
Changing the tempo in the Tempo editor
Histogram tool
Histogram controls
Changing values using the Histogram tool
Changing the Histogram tool filter
Changing the Histogram chart shape
Transform tool
Transform controls
Changing values using the Transform tool
Key Editor configurations
Saving Key Editor configurations
Applying Key Editor configurations
Deleting Key Editor configurations
Mixer panel
Mixer window
Mixer toolbar
Mixer channels
Types of Mixer channels
Mixer channel strips
Hiding/Showing channels
Scrolling through channels
Changing the height of channels
Changing the volume of channels
Panning channels
Adding FX channels
Removing FX channels
Renaming channels
Loading inserts into channels
Enabling/Bypassing inserts
Removing inserts
Changing the reverb plug-in
Stage templates
Apply Stage Template dialog
Live Stage dialog
Edit Stage Template dialog
Applying/Resetting stage templates
Creating stage templates
Importing stage templates
Exporting stage templates
Space templates
Apply Space Template dialog
Live Space dialog
Edit Space Template dialog
Applying/Resetting space templates
Creating space templates
Importing space templates
Exporting space templates
Changing the default space template
Library Manager
Importing libraries
Exporting libraries
Layout Options dialog
Notation Options dialog
Note Input Options dialog
Engraving Options dialog
Playback Options dialog
Music fonts
Music Fonts dialog
Text formatting
Edit Font Styles dialog
Paragraph Styles dialog
Creating paragraph styles
Character Styles dialog
Creating character styles
Changing the default font family
Edit Chord Diagrams dialog
Custom chord symbols
Project Default Chord Symbol Appearances dialog
Edit Chord Symbol Appearance dialog
Edit Chord Symbol Component dialog
Setting single chord symbol overrides as the project default
Resetting the appearance of chord symbols with single overrides
Custom instruments
Edit Instruments dialog
Creating custom instruments
Creating custom percussion kits
Changing the number of staves for instruments
Creating alternative transpositions for instruments
Creating fretted instruments with alternative tunings
Instrument families
Edit Instrument Families dialog
Creating custom instrument families
Instrument score orders
Edit Instrument Score Orders dialog
Creating custom instrument score orders
Custom notehead sets
Edit Notehead Sets dialog
Edit Notehead dialog
Creating custom notehead sets
Creating custom noteheads
Custom playing techniques
Edit Playing Techniques dialog
Edit Playing Technique dialog
Creating custom playing techniques
Saving custom playing techniques as default
Custom lines
Creating custom lines
Creating custom line bodies
Creating custom line annotations
Creating custom repeatable symbols
Edit Lines dialog
Edit Line Bodies dialog
Edit Line Annotations dialog
Edit Line Annotation dialog
Edit Repeatable Symbols dialog
Edit Repeatable Symbol dialog
Custom tonality systems
Creating custom tonality systems
Creating/Editing custom accidentals
Creating/Editing custom key signatures
Edit Tonality System dialog
Custom divisions of the octave
Custom accidentals
Edit Accidental dialog
Custom key signatures
Edit Custom Key Signature dialog
Playback of custom tonality systems
Music symbols
Edit Music Symbol dialog
Custom page sizes
Edit Page Sizes dialog
Creating custom page sizes
Expression maps
Expression Maps dialog
Playback Technique Combinations dialog
Types of switches
Types of actions
Creating new expression maps
Adding/Editing switches in expression maps
Adding/Editing mutual exclusion groups in expression maps
Importing expression maps
Exporting expression maps
Percussion maps
Percussion Maps dialog
Creating new percussion maps
Importing percussion maps
Exporting percussion maps
Defining how combinations of articulations and single-note tremolos sound in playback
Playback techniques
Edit Playback Techniques dialog
Notation reference
Project-wide engraving options for accidentals
Deleting accidentals
Hiding/Showing or parenthesizing accidentals
Changing the size of accidentals
Hiding/Showing colors for accidentals
Stacking of accidentals
Kerning of accidental columns
Changing the column of accidentals
Moving accidentals graphically
Altered unisons
Changing how altered unisons appear
Microtonal accidentals
Inputting microtonal accidentals
Accidental duration rules
Changing the accidental duration rule
Hiding/Showing or parenthesizing cautionary accidentals
Changing the cancellation of double accidentals
Project-wide engraving options for articulations
Copying and pasting articulations
Deleting articulations
Positions of articulations
Order of articulations
Changing the positions of articulations on tie chains
Changing the horizontal position of staccato marks
Changing the placement of articulations relative to notes
Changing the placement of articulations relative to slurs
Changing the default placement of articulations
Allowing/Disallowing articulations inside the staff
Articulations in playback
Bar length
Deleting bars/beats
Deleting bars/beats with the system track
Deleting empty bars/beats at the end of flows
Deleting the contents of bars
Changing the width of empty bars
Splits in bars
Project-wide engraving options for barlines
Per-flow notation options for barlines
Types of barlines
Changing the default barline type in flows
Changing the default barline at the end of flows
Changing the barline shown at key signature changes
Changing the barline shown before repeat barlines
Hiding/Showing systemic barlines and brackets/braces
Hiding/Showing systemic barlines on single-staff systems
Hiding/Showing wings on repeat barlines
Changing the length of tick barlines
Moving barlines graphically
Barlines across staff groups
Changing the default barline joins
Showing barlines across all staves at time signature changes
Inputting custom barline joins
Deleting barline joins
Lengthening/Shortening custom barline joins
Bar numbers
Project-wide engraving options for bar numbers
Hiding/Showing bar numbers
Hiding/Showing bar number enclosures
Hiding/Showing bar number ranges on multi-bar rests
Hiding/Showing guide bar numbers
Bar number paragraph styles
Editing the bar number paragraph styles
Changing the bar number paragraph style used in layouts
Positions of bar numbers
Showing bar numbers above specific staves
Changing the horizontal position of bar numbers
Changing the distance between bar numbers and the staff/other objects
Changing the system-relative placement of bar numbers
Changing the placement of bar numbers relative to dynamics
Hiding bar numbers at time signatures shown at system object positions
Bar number changes
Adding bar number changes
Deleting bar number changes
Subordinate bar numbers
Adding subordinate bar numbers
Returning to the primary bar number sequence
Changing the appearance of subordinate bar numbers
Bar numbers and repeats
Including/Excluding repeats from the bar number count
Changing which playthroughs are shown in bar numbers
Changing the appearance of bar numbers for subsequent repeats
Per-flow notation options for beam grouping
Beam grouping according to meters
Beaming notes together manually
Unbeaming notes
Splitting beam groups
Resetting beam grouping
Changing the thickness of beams
Beam placement relative to the staff
Changing the staff-relative placement of beams
Removing beam placement changes
Beam slants
Changing beam slants
Centered beams
Creating centered beams
Removing centered beams
Creating cross-staff beams/tremolos
Changing to optical cross-staff beam spacing
Cross-staff beam placement in multiple staves
Resetting notes crossed to other staves
Beam corners
Secondary beams
Changing the direction of partial beams
Changing the number of beam lines in secondary beams
Changing the gaps between beam lines
Tuplets within beams
Rests within beams
Showing stemlets in beam groups
Removing stemlets from beam groups
Fanned beams
Creating fanned beams
Changing the direction within fanned beams
Note and rest grouping
Hiding/Showing ties across beat boundaries
Changing the note grouping for 5/4 time signatures
Creating custom beat groupings for meters
Changing the beat grouping for cut common time signatures
Brackets and braces
Project-wide engraving options for brackets and braces
Changing bracket grouping according to ensemble type
Brackets according to ensemble type
Hiding/Showing braces on single staves
Changing the appearance of bracket ends
Secondary brackets
Hiding/Showing secondary brackets
Showing secondary brackets as sub-brackets/braces
Custom staff grouping
Inputting custom bracket/brace groups
Lengthening/Shortening custom brackets/braces
Resetting bracket and barline changes
Deleting bracket and barline changes
Chord symbols
Chord components
Project-wide engraving options for chord symbols
Chord symbol appearance presets
Chord symbol font styles
Positions of chord symbols
Hiding/Showing chord symbols
Hiding/Showing chord symbols in layouts
Showing chord symbols above one/multiple staves
Changing the alignment of chord symbols relative to notes
Changing the vertical alignment of chord symbols
Changing the staff-relative placement of chord symbols
Chord symbol regions
Hiding/Showing chord symbol region highlights
Transposing chord symbols
Respelling chord symbols
Showing chord symbols as modes
Resetting the enharmonic spelling of chord symbols
Hiding/Showing the root and quality of chord symbols
Changing the arrangement of compound chord symbols
Erasing the background of chord symbols
Changing the erasure padding of chord symbols
Parenthesized chord symbols
Parenthesizing chord symbols
Showing single parentheses on chord symbols
Changing the style of chord symbol parentheses
Changing the size of chord symbol parentheses
Moving chord symbol parentheses graphically
Chord symbols imported from MusicXML
Chord diagrams
Chord diagram components
Project-wide engraving options for chord diagrams
Project-wide note input options for chord diagrams
Hiding/Showing chord diagrams
Showing only chord symbols or chord diagrams
Used chord diagrams grids
Hiding/Showing used chord diagrams grids
Including/Excluding chord diagrams from used chord diagrams grids
Hiding/Showing fingerings in chord diagrams
Allowing/Disallowing thumb fingerings in chord diagrams
Resetting chord diagram fingerings
Changing the chord diagram shape
Choose Chord Diagram dialog
Creating new chord diagram shapes
Edit Chord Diagram dialog
Chord diagram font styles
Changing the horizontal position of starting fret numbers
Changing the size of chord diagrams
Changing the orientation of chord diagrams
Showing clefs after grace notes
Moving clefs graphically
Changing the default size of mid-system clef changes
Setting different clefs for concert/transposed pitch
Hiding/Showing clefs
Hiding/Showing clefs according to layout transpositions
Hiding/Showing clefs at the start of systems
Changing the octave of clefs
Clefs with octave indicators
Respecting/Ignoring clef octave indicators
Octave lines
Project-wide engraving options for octave lines
Positions of octave lines
Changing the alignment of octave line numerals relative to notes
Changing the position of octave line numerals relative to accidentals
Hiding/Showing octave lines
Octave lines in Engrave mode
Changing the vertical stacking order of octave lines
Changing the angles of octave lines
Resetting the angles of octave lines
Project-wide engraving options for cues
Hiding/Showing cues in layouts
Hiding/Showing cues individually
Changing the octave of cues
Hiding/Showing octave transpositions in cue labels
Cue contents
Cue labels
Changing the information included in cue labels project-wide
Editing cue label text
Notations in cues
Changing the notations included in cues
Stem direction in cues
Overlapping cues
Changing the stem direction of cues
Ties in cues
Rests in cues
Hiding/Showing padding rests around cues
Hiding/Showing bar rests alongside cues
Clef changes in cues
Changing the clef shown in cues
Rhythmic cues
Changing existing cues to rhythmic cues
Hiding/Showing rhythm slashes in rhythmic cues
Changing the staff position of rhythmic cues
Changing the staff position of cues from unpitched percussion source instruments
View options for cues
Hiding/Showing cue highlights
Hiding/Showing cue suggestion highlights
Hiding/Showing cue note colors
Types of dynamics
Project-wide engraving options for dynamics
Positions of dynamics
Changing the horizontal beat-relative position of dynamics
Changing the alignment of dynamics relative to noteheads
Aligning dynamics
General placement conventions for hairpins relative to barlines
Allowing/Disallowing hairpins across barlines
Changing dynamic levels
Hiding/Showing immediate dynamics
Hiding/Showing combined dynamic separators
Parenthesizing dynamics
Changing the appearance of sforzando/rinforzando dynamics
Erasing the background of dynamics
Changing the erasure padding of dynamics
Voice-specific dynamics
Dynamic modifiers
Adding modifiers to existing dynamics
Abbreviating dynamic modifiers
Changing the appearance/position of subito modifiers
Showing modifiers centered inside hairpins
Moving gradual dynamic modifiers graphically
Gradual dynamics
Gradual dynamics in Engrave mode
Changing the appearance of gradual dynamics
Showing consecutive hairpins as continuous
Hiding/Showing flared ends on hairpins
Changing the size of flared ends on hairpins
Adding poco a poco text to gradual dynamics
Abbreviating gradual dynamics
Gradual dynamic spacing
Gradual dynamics truncated by immediate dynamics
Messa di voce hairpins
Moving the center of messa di voce hairpins
Turning existing gradual dynamics into messa di voce hairpins
Niente markings
Adding niente markings to existing gradual dynamics
Changing the appearance of niente hairpins
Groups of dynamics
Grouping dynamics together
Ungrouping dynamics and removing dynamics from groups
Linked dynamics
Linking dynamics together
Unlinking dynamics
Dynamics font styles
Dynamics in playback
Playback Options for dynamics
VST Expression Maps for volume types
Enabling/Disabling pitch contour emphasis
Enabling/Disabling polyphonic voice balancing
Enabling/Disabling dynamic rules for contrapuntal music
Figured bass
Project-wide engraving options for figured bass
Project-wide note input options for figured bass
Hiding/Showing figured bass in layouts
Hiding/Showing figured bass figures individually
Showing figured bass on rests
Showing single brackets on figured bass
Changing figured bass bracket styles
Figured bass hold lines
Hiding/Showing figured bass hold/suspension lines
Lengthening/Shortening figured bass hold lines
Showing brackets on figured bass hold lines
Positions of figured bass
Figured bass in Engrave mode
Changing the staff-relative placement of figured bass
Moving figured bass resolutions
Changing figured bass accidental collision avoidance
Appearance of figured bass
Changing the font used for figured bass project-wide
Editing the figured bass font styles
Hiding/Showing cautionary figured bass alterations
Simplifying figured bass compound intervals
Fixing the current appearance of figured bass
Resetting figured bass
General placement conventions for fingering
Project-wide engraving options for fingerings
Changing fingerings to substitution fingerings
Changing the rhythmic position of substitution fingerings
Changing existing fingerings
Changing the staff-relative placement of fingerings
Showing fingerings inside the staff
Changing the vertical position of fingerings
Changing the size of fingerings
Showing enclosures/underlines on fingerings
Hiding/Showing fingering
Deleting fingerings
Fingering font styles
Changing the font used for fingerings project-wide
Showing individual fingerings in italics
Cautionary fingerings
Changing the appearance of cautionary fingerings
Fingerings for fretted instruments
Hiding/Showing brackets for right-hand fingerings
Changing the position of left-hand fingerings
Erasing the background of left-hand fingerings inside the staff
Adding fingerings to arpeggio signs
Allowing/Disallowing arpeggio sign fingerings in the staff
Changing the letters shown for fretted instrument fingerings
Fingering slides
Fingering slides in Engrave mode
Hiding/Showing fingering slides
Changing the length of fingering slides
Fingerings for valved brass instruments
Showing horn branch indicators
Changing the appearance of slide positions for brass instruments
Hiding/Showing string fingering shift indicators
Changing the direction of string fingering shift indicators
Fingerings imported from MusicXML files
String indicators
Project-wide engraving options for string indicators
Changing the appearance of open string indicators
Changing the size of string indicators
Deleting string indicators
Positions of string indicators
Changing the notehead-relative position of string indicators
Front matter
Adding titles
Adding composers
Adding lyricists
Adding copyright information
Adding dedications in page templates
Adding player lists
Editing running headers in page templates
Editing layout transposition text
Hiding/Showing borders on layout names
Page numbers
Page number paragraph styles
Changing the page number numeral style
Changing the page number numeral style for individual pages
Hiding/Showing page numbers
Hiding/Showing page numbers on individual pages
Hiding/Showing guide page numbers
Inserting page number changes
Page Number Change dialog
Removing page number changes
Holds and pauses
Project-wide engraving options for holds and pauses
Types of fermatas
Types of breath marks
Types of caesuras
Positions of holds and pauses
Combinations of holds and pauses
Changing the number of fermatas per staff
Positioning fermatas on barlines
Changing the vertical position of breath marks
Holds and pauses in playback
Including/Excluding pauses in playback
Changing the gap/hold durations of fermatas in playback
Changing the gap duration of caesuras in playback
Key signatures
Project-wide engraving options for key signatures
Key signature arrangements
Types of key signatures
Hiding/Showing key signatures at the start of systems
Hiding/Showing cancellation naturals before key signature changes
Positions of key signatures
Moving key signatures graphically
Cautionary key signatures
Hiding/Showing cautionary key signatures
Enharmonic equivalent key signatures
Allowing/Disallowing enharmonic equivalent key signatures
Erasing the background of key signatures
Tonality systems
Equal Division of the Octave (EDO)
Changing the tonality system
Importing tonality systems
Exporting tonality systems
Project-wide engraving options for lyrics
Types of lyrics
Changing the type of individual lyrics
Types of syllables in lyrics
Changing the syllable type of existing lyrics
Copying and pasting lyrics
Exporting lyrics
Filters for lyrics
Selecting lyrics using filters
Positions of lyrics
Changing the alignment of lyrics relative to notes
Changing the staff-relative placement of lyric lines
Changing the staff-relative placement of individual lyrics
Moving lyric lines vertically
Removing lyric line vertical offsets
Lyrics paragraph styles
Showing lyrics in italics
Changing the paragraph style used for lyrics
Changing the paragraph style used for verse numbers
Lyric text editing
Changing the text of existing lyrics
Edit Lyrics dialog
Edit Lyric dialog
Lyric hyphens and lyric extender lines
Hiding/Showing Japanese hyphens
Changing the gaps between lyrics/hyphens
Lyric line numbers
Changing the line number and type of lyric lines
Changing the line number of individual lyrics
Verse numbers
Hiding/Showing verse numbers
Changing the punctuation of verse numbers
Elision slurs
Hiding/Showing East Asian elision slurs
Project-wide engraving options for notes
Notehead sets
Notehead set designs
Pitch-dependent notehead set designs
Changing the notehead design of individual noteheads
Resetting notehead designs
Changing the default notehead design
Showing differently shaped noteheads for each scale degree project-wide
Showing note names in noteheads project-wide
Assigning notes to strings
Hiding/Showing noteheads
Hiding/Showing ledger lines
Changing the width of ledger lines
Rhythm dot consolidation
Changing the consolidation of rhythm dots
Moving rhythm dots
View options for notes and rests
Hiding/Showing colors for notes out of range
Hiding/Showing hidden noteheads
Grace notes
General placement conventions for grace notes
Turning existing notes into grace notes
Turning grace notes into normal notes
Showing grace notes before/after barlines
Grace note size
Grace note slashes
Changing the type of grace notes
Moving slashes on grace note stems
Changing the length of grace note slashes
Grace note stems
Grace note beams
Grace notes in playback
Bracketed noteheads
Project-wide engraving options for bracketed noteheads
Showing brackets on noteheads
Showing brackets around one/all noteheads in tie chains
Splitting brackets on chords
Changing the appearance of round brackets on single noteheads
Changing the shape of round notehead brackets
Notehead brackets in Engrave mode
Project-wide engraving options for stems
Stem direction
Changing the stem direction of notes
Changing the default stem direction of voices
Changing the default stem direction of notes on the middle staff line
Resetting stem directions
Stem length
Lengthening/Shortening stems
Hiding/Showing stems
Erasing the background of stems
Turning notes into harmonics
Changing the harmonic partial
Hiding/Showing or parenthesizing harmonic accidentals
Appearances/Styles of harmonics
Changing the appearance of natural harmonics
Changing the style of artificial harmonics
Project-wide engraving options for ornaments
Changing ornament intervals
Positions of ornaments
Changing the vertical position of ornaments
Changing the start position of trills
Hiding/Showing trill marks
Changing the speed of trills
Hiding/Showing speed changes in trill extension lines
Hiding/Showing trill extension lines
Trill intervals
Hiding/Showing trill interval accidentals
Changing trill intervals
Changing trill intervals partway through trills
Resetting trill intervals
Trill interval appearance
Changing the appearance of trill intervals
Changing the position of trill interval indicators
Trills in playback
Sampled vs. generated trills
Enabling/Disabling trill samples in playback
Changing the playback speeds of trills
Changing the starting pitch of trills
Arpeggio signs
Project-wide engraving options for arpeggio signs
Types of arpeggio signs
Changing the type of arpeggio signs
Changing the end appearance of arpeggio signs
Length of arpeggio signs
General placement conventions for arpeggio signs
Showing arpeggio signs before/after grace notes
Arpeggios in playback
Changing arpeggio playback relative to the beat
Changing the playback duration of arpeggios
Glissando lines
Project-wide engraving options for glissando lines
Glissando lines across empty bars
Changing the style of glissando lines
Changing glissando line text
Changing when glissando line text is shown
Glissando lines in Engrave mode
Glissando lines in playback
Changing the glissando playback type
Delaying the start of glissandos in playback
Guitar bends
Guitar pre-bends and pre-dives
Guitar post-bends
Vibrato bar dives and returns
Bend intervals
Project-wide engraving options for guitar bends, pre-bends, post-bends, and vibrato bar dives and returns
Hiding/Showing guitar bend hold lines
Changing the direction of guitar pre-bends/pre-dives
Hiding/Showing accidentals on guitar pre-bends/pre-dives
Deleting guitar pre-bends, pre-dives, and post-bends
Guitar bends in Engrave mode
Guitar pre-bends/pre-dives in Engrave mode
Guitar post-bends in Engrave mode
Vibrato bar dives and returns in Engrave mode
Guitar techniques
Vibrato bar techniques
Hammer-ons and pull-offs
Project-wide engraving options for guitar techniques
Showing notes as dead notes
Changing vibrato bar dip intervals
Hiding/Showing guitar techniques on notation staves and tablature
Changing the staff-relative placement of guitar techniques
Deleting guitar techniques
Jazz articulations
Jazz ornaments
Project-wide engraving options for jazz articulations
Positions of jazz articulations
Changing the type/length of existing jazz articulations
Changing the line style of smooth jazz articulations
Deleting jazz articulations
Harp pedaling
Project-wide engraving options for harp pedaling
Changing the appearance of harp pedal diagrams
Hiding/Showing harp pedaling in layouts
Hiding/Showing harp pedal diagrams individually
Hiding/Showing borders on harp pedal diagrams
Changing the thickness of harp pedal diagram borders
Changing the padding around harp pedal diagrams
Positions of harp pedal diagrams
Partial harp pedaling
Allowing/Disallowing partial harp pedaling
Pedal lines
Project-wide engraving options for pedal lines
Sustain pedal retakes and pedal level changes
Sustain pedal lines in Engrave mode
Changing the type of pedal line retakes
Changing the global level for pedal lines
Changing pedal line levels
Removing retakes and pedal level changes
Positions of pedal lines
Changing the position of pedal lines relative to grace notes
Splitting pedal lines
Merging pedal lines
Pedal line start signs, hooks, and continuation lines
Changing the start sign appearance of pedal lines
Changing the type of hook at the start/end of pedal lines
Changing the pedal line continuation type
Lengthening/Shortening gaps and dashes in pedal continuation lines
Changing the line width of pedal lines
Parenthesizing pedal line continuation signs
Text pedal line signs
Editing pedal line start text
Editing pedal line continuation text
Editing una corda pedal line restorative text
Pedal lines in playback
Pedal lines imported from MusicXML files
Playing techniques
Project-wide engraving options for playing techniques
Adding text to playing techniques
Erasing the background of playing techniques
Changing the erasure padding of text playing techniques
Hiding/Showing playing techniques
Positions of playing techniques
Changing the vertical order of playing techniques
Playing technique continuation lines
Playing technique duration
Playing technique continuation line components
Playing technique continuation lines in Engrave mode
Hiding/Showing playing technique duration lines
Changing the style of playing technique continuation lines
Changing the caps of playing technique continuation lines
Groups of playing techniques
Grouping playing techniques together
Ungrouping playing techniques and removing playing techniques from groups
Line components
Project-wide engraving options for lines
Positions of lines
Showing vertical lines on the right/left of notes
Changing the horizontal order of vertical lines
Enabling/Disabling vertical line collision avoidance
Showing vertical lines before grace notes
Changing the placement of horizontal lines
Changing the staff position of horizontal lines inside the staff
Length of lines
Lengthening/Shortening horizontal lines
Lengthening/Shortening vertical lines
Changing the start/end positions of horizontal lines
Changing the body style of lines
Changing the caps of lines
Changing the direction of lines
Adding text to lines
Line text font styles
Changing the position of text relative to horizontal lines
Changing the position of text relative to vertical lines
Changing the placement of text relative to lines
Forcing line text to be horizontal
Adding borders to line text
Erasing the background of line text
Changing the erasure padding of line text
Lines in Engrave mode
Rehearsal marks
Project-wide engraving options for rehearsal marks
Positions of rehearsal marks
Changing the rehearsal mark sequence type
Changing the rehearsal mark enclosure type
Changing the index of rehearsal marks
Adding prefixes/suffixes to rehearsal marks
Editing the rehearsal mark paragraph style
Project-wide engraving options for markers
Hiding/Showing markers
Changing the vertical position of markers
Editing marker text
Editing the marker/timecode font styles
Changing the style of marker borders
Changing the timecodes of markers
Defining markers as important
Changing the initial timecode value
Changing the vertical position of timecodes
Changing the timecode frequency
Hiding/Showing timecodes in markers
Hiding/Showing timecode components
Repeat endings
Project-wide engraving options for repeat endings
Changing the total number of playthroughs in repeat endings
Dividing playthroughs across repeat ending segments
Lengthening/Shortening segments in repeat endings
Positions of repeat endings
Editing repeat ending text
Changing the appearance of repeat ending segments
Lengthening/Shortening repeat ending hooks
Repeat endings in MusicXML files
Repeat markers
Project-wide engraving options for repeat markers
Repeat marker paragraph styles
Changing the size of coda/segno symbols
Hiding/Showing symbols in repeat markers
Changing the index for repeat markers
Editing repeat marker text
Showing repeat markers on one/two lines
Hiding/Showing repeat markers
Changing the barline shown before codas
Positions of repeat markers
Changing the staff-relative placement of repeat markers
Changing the gap before codas
Repeat counts
Changing the location of repeat counts
Changing the language for repeat counts
Bar repeats
Project-wide engraving options for bar repeats
Changing the length of the repeated phrase in bar repeat regions
Hiding/Showing region highlights
Bar repeat counts
Changing the start count of bar repeats
Changing the bar repeat count frequency
Hiding/Showing or parenthesizing bar repeat counts
Editing the count font style
Bar repeat grouping
Changing bar repeat grouping
Numbered bar regions
Project-wide engraving options for numbered bar regions
Hiding/Showing numbered bar regions
Numbered bar region counts
Changing the start count of numbered bar regions
Changing the numbered bar region count frequency
Hiding/Showing or parenthesizing numbered bar region counts
Changing the staff-relative placement of numbered bar region counts
Aligning counts in numbered bar regions
Rhythm slashes
Project-wide engraving options for rhythm slashes
Changing the design of rhythm slashes
Slash voices
Changing the slash voice type
Adding slash voices to percussion kits
Including/Excluding slash voices in playback
Slash regions
Note grouping in slash regions
Splitting slash regions
Hiding/Showing stems in slash regions
Hiding/Showing notes alongside slash regions
Hiding/Showing padding rests before/after slash regions
Hiding/Showing slash region highlights
Slash region counts
Changing the start count of slash regions
Changing the slash region count frequency
Hiding/Showing or parenthesizing slash region counts
Changing the staff-relative placement of slash region counts
Slashes in multiple-voice contexts
Changing the voice direction of slash regions
Changing the staff position of rhythm slashes
General placement conventions for rests
Implicit vs. explicit rests
Implicit rests in multiple-voice contexts
Turning explicit rests into implicit rests
Per-flow notation options for rests
Project-wide engraving options for rests
Hiding/Showing rest colors
Moving rests vertically
Deleting rests
Hiding/Showing bar rests in empty bars
Hiding/Showing bar rests in additional voices
Multi-bar rests
Hiding/Showing multi-bar rests
Hiding/Showing tacet al fine on multi-bar rests at the end of flows
Hiding/Showing bar counts on single bar rests
Changing the width of multi-bar rest H-bars
Moving multi-bar rest H-bars
Changing the placement of multi-bar rest bar counts
Changing the font used for multi-bar rest bar counts
Splitting multi-bar rests
Project-wide engraving options for slurs
General placement conventions for slurs
Slur position relative to tie chains
Changing the position of slurs relative to tie chains
Slur placement relative to grace notes
Slur position relative to staff lines
Slur endpoint positions
Slurs over system and frame breaks
Slur collision avoidance
Enabling/Disabling slur collision avoidance
Short slurs that cover large pitch ranges
Slur styles
Changing the style of slurs
Changing the size of dashes/dots in slurs
Changing the size of gaps in dashed/dotted slurs
Changing individual slurs to flat slurs
Slur curvature direction
Changing the curvature direction of slurs
Cross-staff and cross-voice slurs
Nested slurs
Inputting nested slurs
Linked slurs
Linking slurs together
Unlinking slurs
Slur segments
Changing the number of segments in individual slurs
Slurs in Engrave mode
Multi-segment slurs in Engrave mode
Changing the shape/angle of slurs
Changing the thickness of slurs
Slur height
Changing the height of slurs
Slur shoulder offset
Changing the shoulder offset of slurs
Slurs in playback
Staff labels
Project-wide engraving options for staff labels
Hiding/Showing staff labels
Changing the minimum indent for systems with staff labels
Hiding/Showing staff labels at system/frame breaks
Staff label contents
Showing instrument/player names in staff labels
Instrument transpositions in staff labels
Hiding/Showing instrument transpositions in staff labels
Changing the appearance/position of instrument transpositions in staff labels
Numbering instruments with different transpositions separately/together
Grouping the staff labels of adjacent identical instruments
Changing the staff label numbering style
Showing vocal staff labels in uppercase/title case
Player group labels
Hiding/Showing player group labels
Hiding/Showing brackets for player group labels
Changing the position of player group names relative to brackets
Staff label paragraph styles
Staff labels for percussion kits
Staff labels on condensed staves
Changing number stacking in condensed staff labels
Changing number consolidation in condensed staff labels
Showing divisi group/instrument names in condensed staff labels
Changing the thickness of staff lines
Deleting staves
Deleting extra/ossia staves
Extra staves
Adding extra staves
Showing extra staves across whole systems
Ossia staves
Adding ossia staves
Changing the size of ossia staves
Changing the padding on ossias that start/end mid-bar
Hiding/Showing ossia staves in the preamble
Hiding/Showing ossia staves
Barlines on ossia staves
Ossia staff labels
Hiding/Showing staff labels on ossia staves
System dividers
Hiding/Showing system dividers
Changing the length of system dividers
System objects
Changing the positions of system objects
Changing the placement of system objects relative to ossia staves
System indents
Changing the first system indent
Change Divisi dialog
Inputting divisi changes
Editing existing divisi changes
Ending divisi passages
Unison ranges
Hiding/Showing unison range colors
Divisi on vocal staves
Hiding/Showing divide arrows on vocal staves
Divisi staff labels
Editing divisi staff labels
Hiding/Showing divisi section numbers in staff labels
Divisi change labels
Editing divisi change labels
Hiding/Showing divisi change labels above staves
Allowing/Disallowing unison labels at rests
Erasing the background of divisi change labels
Divisi in playback
Project-wide engraving options for tablature
Rhythms on tablature
Hiding/Showing notation staves and tablature
Changing the allocated string for notes on tablature
Changing the appearance of tied notes on tablature
Hiding/Showing enclosures around notes on tablature
Changing the shape of enclosures on single notes on tablature
Changing the placement of rhythm dots on tablature
Editing the tablature numbers font style
Tempo marks
Project-wide engraving options for tempo marks
Types of tempo marks
Positions of tempo marks
Changing the end position of gradual tempo changes relative to barlines
Changing tempo text
Showing abbreviated tempo text
Tempo mark font styles
Hiding/Showing tempo marks
Parenthesizing tempo marks
Metronome marks
Changing the metronome mark value
Showing the metronome mark value as a range
Showing metronome marks as approximate
Changing the relative tempo mark value
Hiding/Showing decimal places for metronome marks
Changing the order of metronome marks
Gradual tempo changes
Adding poco a poco text to gradual tempo changes
Changing the style of gradual tempo changes
Changing the line style of gradual tempo changes
Changing the final tempo at the end of gradual tempo changes
Lengthening/Shortening gaps and dashes in gradual tempo changes
Changing the line thickness of gradual tempo changes
Tempo equations
Hiding/Showing arrows on tempo equations
Text items
Types of text
Changing the paragraph style of text items
Aligning text items with the start of systems
Enabling/Disabling text collision avoidance
Adding borders to text items
Changing the style of text item borders
Changing the thickness of text item borders
Changing the padding around text items
Erasing the background of text items
Hiding/Showing text items
Project-wide engraving options for ties
Ties vs. slurs
Tie styles
Changing the style of ties
Changing the size of dashes/dots in ties
Changing the size of gaps in dashed/dotted ties
Tie curvature direction
Changing the curvature direction of ties
Non-standard ties
Hiding/Showing laissez vibrer ties
Deleting ties
Splitting tie chains
Ties in Engrave mode
Changing the shape/angle of ties
Changing the thickness of ties
Tie height
Changing the height of ties
Tie shoulder offset
Changing the shoulder offset of ties
Time signatures
Project-wide engraving options for time signatures
Types of time signatures
Cautionary time signatures
Hiding/Showing cautionary time signatures
Pick-up bars
Defining partial bars as pick-up bars or irregular bars
Large time signatures
Changing the size and position of time signatures
Time signature styles
Changing the numerator style of time signatures
Changing the denominator style of time signatures
Changing the open meter style of time signatures
Changing the separator style of interchangeable time signatures
Changing the appearance of common/cut common time signatures
Combining aggregate time signatures
Positions of time signatures
Moving time signatures graphically
Changing the position of time signatures on bracketed groups
Hiding/Showing time signatures
Ending interchangeable time signatures
Erasing the background of time signatures
Changing the design of time signatures
Time signature font styles
Project-wide engraving options for tremolos
General placement conventions for tremolos
Tremolos in tie chains
Changing the number of tremolo strokes on individual notes in tie chains
Changing the speed of tremolos
Changing the appearance of multi-note half note tremolos
Deleting tremolos
Rhythmic positions of notes with tremolos
Moving tremolo strokes
Tremolos in playback
Changing the duration of tremolos in playback
Project-wide engraving options for tuplets
Nested tuplets
Inputting nested tuplets
Turning existing notes into tuplets
Turning tuplets into normal notes
Allowing/Disallowing tuplets to span barlines
Tuplet beams
Tuplet brackets
Hiding/Showing tuplet brackets
Changing the staff-relative placement of tuplet brackets
Changing the rhythmic end position of tuplet brackets
Forcing tuplet brackets to be horizontal
Tuplet numbers/ratios
Hiding/Showing tuplet numbers/ratios
Changing the position of tuplet numbers/ratios
Changing the font used for tuplet numbers/ratios
Unpitched percussion
Percussion kits vs. individual percussion instruments
Playing techniques for unpitched percussion instruments
Playing technique-specific noteheads
Percussion Instrument Playing Techniques dialog
Override Percussion Noteheads dialog
Changing playing technique-specific noteheads
Creating new playing technique-specific noteheads
Overriding the appearance of playing technique-specific noteheads
Single-line percussion staves
Changing the distance above/below single-line percussion staves
Changing the default stem direction of notes on single-line percussion staves
Per-flow notation options for unpitched percussion
Notations on notes in percussion kits
Dynamics in percussion kits
Percussion kit presentation types
Changing the percussion kit presentation type
Percussion legends
Adding percussion legends to five-line staff kit presentations
Changing the percussion legend type
Changing the sounding instrument percussion legend range
Showing short instrument names in percussion legends
Editing percussion legend text
Erasing the background of percussion legends
Changing the erasure padding of percussion legends
Voices in percussion kits
Specifying the stem direction/voice of instruments in percussion kits
Changing the voice of individual notes in percussion kits
Universal Indian Drum Notation
Per-flow notation options for voices
Hiding/Showing voice colors
Allowing/Disallowing noteheads in opposing voices to overlap
Note positions in multiple-voice contexts
Voice column index
Swapping the order of voices
Changing the voice column of notes
Unused voices
Notes crossed to staves with existing notes in other voices
action (expression maps)
action (harps)
action (pianos)
alignment relative to noteheads
articulation (music notation)
articulation (sound libraries)
cancellation natural
casting off
cautionary accidental
chord input
collision avoidance
concert pitch
constant point
context menu
dead note
disclosure arrow
drum set
engraving options
enharmonic equivalent
explicit rest
fretted instrument
full score
galley view
grace note
grand staff instrument
harmonic series
horizontal justification
implicit rest
Insert mode
instrument transposition
key command
layout options
linear point
lock duration
minor key
minor scale
modes (in Dorico)
mouse pointer
multi-bar rest
music area
notation options
note input
octave division
padding rest
page break
page view
pause (holds)
pause (rest)
pedal level change
pick-up bar
pitch crossing
pitch delta
player group
point (Key Editor)
point (size)
print preview area
rastral size
rhythmic grid
rhythm section
section player
single player
split stem
staff-relative placement
staff spacing handle
string shift indicator
system break
system formatting
system object
system spacing handle
tempo track
transposed pitch
value line
vertical justification
vibrato bar
VST instrument