You can lengthen/shorten the duration of notes after they have been input.
In Write mode, select the notes whose duration you want to change.
If you want to extend a note to the end of the current selection, select both that note and an item at the rhythmic position to which you want to extend the note.
Change the duration in any of the following ways:
Press the key command of the duration you want. For example, press 4 for a 16th note (semiquaver).
In the Notes panel, click the duration you want.
In the Keyboard, Fretboard, or Drum Pads panel toolbar, click the duration you want.
To lengthen notes by the current rhythmic grid resolution, press Shift-Alt/Opt-Right Arrow.
To shorten notes by the current rhythmic grid resolution, press Shift-Alt/Opt-Left Arrow.
To double the length of notes, press Ctrl/Cmd-Shift-Alt/Opt-Right Arrow.
To halve the length of notes, press Ctrl/Cmd-Shift-Alt/Opt-Left Arrow.
To lengthen notes by the current rhythmic grid resolution, choose .
To shorten notes by the current rhythmic grid resolution, choose .
To double the length of notes, choose .
To halve the length of notes, choose .
To lengthen notes up to the next existing note in their voice, choose .
This does not apply to grace notes.
To lengthen a single note up to the rhythmic position of the end of the current selection, choose .
To shorten overlapping notes in the same voice so that they no longer overlap, choose .
The duration of the selected notes is changed. Dorico Pro automatically notates and beams the notes appropriately according to their new duration, the prevailing time signature, and their position in the bar.
When extending notes, their duration fills in any intervening rests. Extending notes to the end of the current selection does not delete any intervening notes, instead they combine with the extended note to create chords where necessary.
You can assign your own key commands to lengthen/shorten notes by specific durations and to extend them. You can find these by searching for Shorten duration by, Lengthen duration by, and Extend to on the Key Commands page in Preferences.