Insert mode scopes

Dorico Pro Help

Dorico Pro
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Insert mode has different scopes, from affecting only selected voices to affecting all players and changing the duration of the current bar. All scopes apply until the Insert mode stop position or the end of the flow, whichever comes first.

You can change the Insert mode scope in Write mode in any of the following ways:

  • Press Alt/Opt-I to cycle through the different Insert mode scopes.

  • In the Notes toolbox, click and hold Insert , then click the scope you want.

  • Choose Write > Insert Scope > [Scope].

In Dorico Pro, there are the following Insert mode scopes:


Insert mode only affects the selected voices. During note input, this is the voice indicated by the caret indicator. Outside of note input, this includes all selected voices, such as when you copy and paste material across multiple staves.


Insert mode affects all voices and instruments belonging to the selected players. During note input, dotted lines are shown on staves affected by the Insert mode scope across which the caret does not already extend.


Insert mode affects all players in the flow. During note input, dotted lines are shown on staves affected by the Insert mode scope across which the caret does not already extend.

Global Adjustment of Current Bar

Insert mode affects all players in the flow, changes the duration of the current bar, and updates its time signature to reflect its new duration. For example, inputting notes extends the duration of bars while deleting notes shortens the duration of bars.

During note input, dotted lines are shown on staves affected by the Insert mode scope across which the caret does not already extend.

  • You can use the Global Adjustment of Current Bar Insert mode scope to create and delete pick-up bars by deleting notes/rests in the first bar in the flow. You can also use it to shorten the last bar in flows that start with a pick-up bar.

  • You can change how Insert mode affects time signatures on the Insert Mode page in Note Input Options.