MIDI recording

Dorico Pro Help

Dorico Pro
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MIDI recording is a way of inputting notes into Dorico Pro by playing them in real time on a MIDI device. This can be particularly useful if, for example, you prefer to improvise your music rather than plan pitches and note durations in advance.

In Dorico Pro, you can record MIDI notes using any MIDI device.

Dorico Pro automatically transcribes multiple simultaneous parts into separate voices, such as in contrapuntal piano music. Depending on your settings for MIDI recording and quantization, Dorico Pro can also detect slurs, tremolos, trills, pedal lines, tuplets, and grace notes.

Outside of note input, Dorico Pro uses the instrument sounds of your most recent selection for the notes you play on your MIDI device. In Play mode, this is the most recent track header you clicked, while in Write mode, this is the last instrument staff on which you selected an item, started note input, or into which you recorded MIDI. During note input, Dorico Pro always uses the instrument sounds of the instrument into which you are recording notes.


You can enable/disable MIDI thru on the Play page in Preferences. For example, if you do not want to hear sounds in Dorico Pro when playing on your MIDI keyboard.

As you play notes on your MIDI device, Dorico Pro uses an algorithm to produce the correct enharmonic spelling for those notes.

Video tutorial about MIDI recording (English)