Inputting bars with the panel

Dorico Pro Help

Dorico Pro
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You can input bars using the Bars and Barlines panel, both during note input and by inserting them into existing music.


You have input a time signature.


  1. In Write mode, do one of the following:
    • Start note input.

    • Select an existing barline after which you want to input bars.

    • Select an existing item before which you want to input bars.

  2. In the Notations toolbox, click Panels Panels button, then Bars and Barlines Bars and Barlines button to show the Bars and Barlines panel.
  3. In the Insert Bars section of the Bars and Barlines panel, change the number of bars you want to input by changing the value in the value field.
  4. Select one of the following options for where you want to input bars:
    • Start of Flow: Bars are input at the beginning of the flow.

    • Start of Selection: Bars are input from the selected note or rest.

    • End of Flow: Bars are input at the end of the flow.


      If you want to input bars from the caret position, make sure that you have selected Start of Selection from the menu.

  5. Click Insert Bars.


The number of bars specified is input. During note input, bars are input from the caret position.

If you selected Start of Selection, bars are input directly after a selected barline, and directly before a selected note, bar, or time signature.

  • Another way to add bars is by choosing a note duration, such as a whole note when in a 4/4 time signature, and pressing Space repeatedly during note input.

  • You can assign a key command for Add Bar at End of Flow on the Key Commands page in Preferences.