Chord symbol input options for MIDI keyboards

Dorico Pro Help

Dorico Pro
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There are different possible settings for how Dorico Pro interprets the notes you press on your MIDI keyboard when inputting chord symbols.

On the Chord Symbols page in Note Input Options, the available options include:

  • Whether you want Dorico Pro to consider the inversion in which you play a given chord, or write the chord symbol as if it had been played in root position

  • Whether you want Dorico Pro to notate omissions. For example, if you play C and E, it could be notated as “C” or “C(omit5)”

  • How you want Dorico Pro to notate added notes and suspensions

  • How you want Dorico Pro to handle complex enharmonic relationships between roots and altered bass notes

On the MIDI Input page in Note Input Options, the available options include disabling chord symbol input from MIDI keyboards and the default navigation behavior.