You can input guitar pre-bends on any existing notes belonging to fretted instruments. You can also specify that pre-bends should be played using the vibrato bar, a technique that is known as a “pre-dive”.
The lower zone is shown.
is selected in the lower zone toolbar.
If you are in Engrave mode, Graphic Editing
is selected in the Engrave toolbox.
- Select the notes before which you want to input guitar pre-bends/pre-dives. You can do this in Write mode and Engrave mode.
- In the Properties panel, activate Pre-bend interval in the Guitar Pre-bends group.
- Change the interval as required.
- Optional: To turn the guitar pre-bends into guitar pre-dives, activate Vibrato bar pre-bend and the corresponding checkbox in the Guitar Pre-bends group.
Guitar pre-bends of the specified interval are input before the selected notes. They are shown as guitar pre-dives when Vibrato bar pre-bend and the corresponding checkbox are both activated.