Inputting jazz articulations with the popover

Dorico Pro Help

Dorico Pro
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You can input jazz articulations using the ornaments popover, both during note input and by adding them to existing notes.


You can input jazz ornaments, such as flips or jazz turns, in the same ways as inputting ornaments.


  1. In Write mode, do one of the following:
    • Start note input.


      During note input, you can select additional notes before/after the last input note without deactivating the caret by pressing Shift-Right Arrow/Shift-Left Arrow.

    • Select the notes to which you want to add jazz articulations.

  2. Optional: If you want to input notes with jazz articulations onto multiple staves at once, extend the caret to those staves.
  3. Optional: During note input, input at least one note.
  4. Open the ornaments popover in any of the following ways:
    • Press Shift-O.

    • In the Notations toolbox, click Popovers Popovers button, then Ornaments Ornaments button.

  5. Enter the appropriate entry for the jazz articulation you want into the popover.

    For example, enter scoop for a scoop or fall for a fall.

  6. Press Return to close the popover.


The jazz articulation you specify is input on all selected notes. During note input, this is usually the last note you input.


When using the popover, all jazz articulations follow your project-wide settings for their line style. You can change their type/length after they have been input.

When using the panel, you can specify the line style of jazz articulations when you input them.

After Completing This Task

You can enable independent voice playback for individual instruments to hear different jazz articulations in different voices simultaneously.