Inputting key signatures with the panel

Dorico Pro Help

Dorico Pro
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You can input key signatures using the Key Signatures, Tonality Systems, and Accidentals panel, both during note input and by adding them to existing music. You can also input key signatures only on specific staves.

  • To change the key of existing music, we recommend using the Transpose dialog.

  • It is not necessary to input different key signatures for transposing instruments, as Dorico Pro automatically shows the appropriate key signatures for transposing instruments in transposing layouts.

  • These steps describe inputting with the default mouse input preference Create item at selection.


You have created any custom key signatures, in custom tonality systems if required, that you want to input.


  1. In Write mode, do one of the following:
    • Start note input.

    • Select an item at the rhythmic position where you want to input a key signature.


      If you want to input a key signature on specific staves, select items that only belong to those staves.

  2. In the Notations toolbox, click Panels , then Key Signatures, Tonality Systems, and Accidentals to show the Key Signatures, Tonality Systems, and Accidentals panel.
  3. Optional: If you have not already used your desired key signature in the current flow, create the key signature using the Key Signatures editor in the Key Signatures, Tonality Systems, and Accidentals panel.
  4. Input the key signature you want in one of the following ways:
    • To input a key signature on all staves, click it in the Key Signatures, Tonality Systems, and Accidentals panel.

    • To input a key signature only on the selected staves or staff on which the caret is active, Alt/Opt-click it in the Key Signatures, Tonality Systems, and Accidentals panel.


During note input, key signatures are input at the caret position, even if this is in the middle of a bar.

When adding key signatures to existing music, they are added at the rhythmic position of the earliest selected item. If you selected an existing key signature, the new key signature directly replaces the existing one.

All subsequently input notes follow the input key signature, until the next existing key signature or the end of the flow, whichever comes first. When you input notes using a MIDI keyboard, accidentals are spelled according to the key signature.

Key signatures that do not show accidentals, such as A minor or open key signatures, are indicated by signposts.


An individual key signature on a single staff is not intended for transposing instruments. Transpositions of notes and key signatures are done automatically for transposing instruments.