The Find Tempo dialog allows you to calculate tempos that best accommodate your important markers; for example, by identifying which tempos cause markers to coincide as closely as possible with strong beats.
You can open the Find Tempo dialog in Write mode by clicking Find Tempo in the Markers section of the Video panel.
The Find Tempo dialog only considers markers in a single flow. You can change which flow by selecting an item in the corresponding flow and then opening the dialog.
The Find Tempo dialog is only available if you have input at least one marker in the flow and defined at least one marker as important.
The Find Tempo dialog contains the following options and sections:
- Flow
Shows the name of the flow whose tempo you are determining. This field is read-only.
- Beat unit
Allows you to change the beat unit considered for the tempo. For example, if the time signature for the flow is 6/8, you might want to change the beat unit to a dotted quarter note.
- Tempo increments
Allows you to filter the suggested tempos according to their precision.
Integral only: Only whole number tempos, that is, tempos without decimal places, are suggested.
Allow increment by 0.25: Allows tempos with decimal places of .25, .5, and .75 to be suggested.
- Tempo range
Allows you to set the minimum/maximum tempos you want to consider.
- Tempos found
Contains a list of possible tempos that you can select to see how they affect the position of your markers relative to beats. The list is updated automatically when you change options such as Tempo range and Beat unit.
The list contains columns for the following information:
BPM: Stands for “beats per minute”. Lists different possible tempos according to their metronome mark value.
IFO: Stands for “important frames off”. Indicates the average number of frames by which important markers miss significant beats, either before or after.
NFO: Stands for “non-important frames off”. Indicates the average number of frames by which non-important markers miss significant beats, either before or after.
AFO: Stands for “all frames off”. Indicates the average number of frames by which all markers in the flow miss significant beats, either before or after.
Found tempos are listed in descending order of average frames off for important markers.
- Markers
Shows the impact that the tempo currently selected in the Tempos found list would have on each marker in the flow in more detail.
Timecode: Shows the exact timecode of each marker.
Text: Shows the marker text of each marker to help you identify them.
Imp.: Indicates whether a marker has been defined as important.
Fr. Off: Stands for “frames off”. Shows the average number of frames by which each marker misses being aligned to beats.
Time Diff.: Stands for “time difference”. Shows the time difference between the position of the marker and the position of the nearest beat, expressed in fractions of a second.
Not. Diff.: Stands for “notated difference”. Shows the notated difference between the position of the marker and the position of the nearest beat, expressed in fractions of a whole note.
- Selected tempo
Displays the currently selected tempo for the flow.
- Apply
Applies the selected tempo to the flow by inputting it as a tempo mark at the beginning of the flow. Any other tempo marks in the flow are automatically deleted.