You can input notes into multiple slash voices; for example, if you want to indicate a precise rhythm without specifying pitches. By default, the first slash voice is up-stem, but you can add extra slash voices both with and without stems, and switch between them as often as you want.
You can also input notes into new slash voices on a staff with existing notes. Once you have created a slash voice somewhere on a staff, you can input notes into that slash voice anywhere else on the same staff.
In Write mode, select an item on the staff and at the rhythmic position where you want to input slash voices.
Start note input in any of the following ways:
Press Shift-N.
In the Notes toolbox, click Start Note Input
Double-click the staff.
Select the slash voice into which you want to input notes in one of the following ways:
To create a new slash voice, press Shift-Alt/Opt-V. You can also click and hold Create Voice
in the Notes toolbox, then click Create Slash Voice
When a new slash voice is added, a + sign appears beside the symbol of a note beside the caret, which now appears as a slash note. The slash note symbol indicates the stem direction, and the number beside the slash note symbol indicates the voice number if applicable.
You can press Shift-Alt/Opt-V as many times as you require. For example, on a staff containing no notes in slash voices, creating one new slash voice allows you to input notes into the first up-stem slash voice.
You can also create a second new slash voice immediately if you want to input notes into a down-stem slash voice, or a third new slash voice if you want to input notes into a stemless slash voice.
Only voices that contain notes are preserved.
To select an existing slash voice, press V or click Next Voice
in the Notes toolbox to cycle through active voices on the staff.
Input the notes you want.
Notes in slash voices appear at the same staff position, regardless of their pitch. By default, this is the middle line of the staff, but this changes in multiple-slash-voice contexts.
By default, notes in slash voices are not played back. However, if you include slash voices in playback, notes in slash voices play back with their input pitch.
Stop note input in any of the following ways:
Press Esc or Return.
In the Notes toolbox, click Start Note Input
Notes are input into new slash voices, as indicated by the caret indicator. The slash note symbol beside the caret changes to indicate which voice is currently selected and into which notes are input.
You can switch between voices as often as you like.
If you are inputting notes into a new slash voice on a staff that already contains notes in other voices/slash voices, the stem directions of existing notes and the staff positions of slash voices at the same rhythmic position change automatically as necessary. Rests appear as required around notes in different voices.
If you have three or more voices of any type on a single staff, you must cycle through all the voices in a set order. For example, if you have two up-stem voices, two down-stem voices, and a slash voice, the order is: first up-stem voice, first down-stem voice, second down-stem voice, second up-stem voice, slash voice.
Any voices that you created, but did not input notes into, are deleted.