Map Pitches dialog

Dorico Pro Help

Dorico Pro
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The Map Pitches dialog allows you to set multiple pitch mappings in a single transformation; for example, if you want to transform all Cs, Fs, and As into Ds, Gs, and Bs.

  • You can open the Map Pitches dialog in Write mode when at least one note is selected in the music area by choosing Write > Transform > Pitches > Map Pitches.

Map Pitches dialog

The Map Pitches dialog contains the following options:

Map pitch

Allows you to specify the source pitch you want to map to the destination pitch. You can select a note name and accidental, and you can also optionally specify the octave, according to your middle C numbering convention setting. The available accidentals depend on the prevailing tonality system.

Include enharmonic equivalents

When activated, enharmonic equivalents to the specified source pitch are included in the mapping. For example, if you want to map As and Bs to Gs.

When deactivated, enharmonic equivalents to the specified source pitch are excluded from the mapping.


Allows you to specify the destination pitch to which you want to map the source pitch. You can select a note name and accidental. The available accidentals depend on the prevailing tonality system.


Allows you to specify the octave selection for the mapping.

  • Up: Destination pitches are higher than the source pitch.

  • Down: Destination pitches are lower than the source pitch.

  • Closest: Destination pitches use the octave the smallest interval from the source pitch.

  • Specific octave: Destination pitches use the octave specified in the value field. Follows your middle C numbering convention setting.

Add mapping

Adds the set mapping to the mapping list.

Delete mapping

Removes the selected mapping from the mapping list.

Mapping list

Contains the set mappings for the transformation.