As a final step, you can tweak the exact graphic positions of items in Engrave mode in Dorico Pro and Dorico Elements. In this task, you will improve the positions of left and right hand indications, change the angles of some hairpins, and move another hairpin to allow the top and bottom staves to be closer together.
You are in Engrave mode (press Ctrl/Cmd-3).
You have deactivated collision avoidance for the “l.H.” text items, allowing them to be positioned between the staff and the hairpin, and moved both whole hairpins and individual hairpin handles to change their angles.
To provide a stable result, most graphical edits in Engrave mode do not affect the positions of other items.
After Completing This Task
There’s always more detail that you could look at when engraving, but for now we think this piece looks good.
In the next set of steps, you can play the piece back to hear the results of your work and make a few adjustments to how it sounds in playback without affecting its notation.