A project is an individual file that contains all required musical information, including multiple instruments, their music, and playback settings.
In Dorico, separate spans of music are known as “flows”. A flow could be a single song in an album, a movement in a sonata or symphony, a number in a stage musical, or a short scale or sight-reading exercise of only a few bars in length. A single project can contain any number of flows, and each flow can use any combination of players. For example, if brass players are tacet in one movement, you can remove them from that flow but keep them in other flows.
Players represent musicians who hold instruments. A single player represents a single person who can play one or more instruments, such as a clarinettist who doubles on alto saxophone or a percussionist with various percussion instruments. A section player represents multiple people who all play the same instrument, such as a violin section in an orchestra or a soprano section in a choir. Section players can only hold a single instrument, but they can be divided into smaller units and onto multiple staves in Dorico Pro.
Layouts combine the musical content of flows and players with page formatting to produce paginated music notation. You can have any number of layouts in a single project with any combination of players and flows. For example, you can include a rehearsal piano player in the vocal score layout without showing piano staves in the full score. Layouts share musical content (such as the notes each instrument plays), but can have independent formatting (such as system breaks and page turns in different places). Full score and part layouts have different default settings; for example, multi-bar rests are automatically shown in parts, but not in scores.