Adding a key signature

First Steps

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All new projects in Dorico start with no key signature, which is treated as atonal; that is, without an implied tonality. This piece is in A major, so you need to input a key signature.


  • You must be in Write mode. If you are, Write in the toolbar appears highlighted. If you are not, press Ctrl/Cmd-2 or click Write in the toolbar to switch to Write mode.

  • If you want to zoom in, you can do so by, for example, pressing Ctrl/Cmd-= or Z or using the zoom options Zoom options in the status bar in the status bar at the bottom of the project window.


  1. Click the rest on the top staff.

    Rest selected on the top piano staff

  2. Press Shift-K to open the key signatures popover.

    Key signatures popover open

  3. Enter Ab into the popover.

    Key signatures popover above the staff with the entry for A♭ major

    • Upper case letters indicate major key signatures, lower case letters indicate minor key signatures. You can also enter b for flat and # for sharp.

  4. Press Return to close the popover.


An A major key signature is input at the start of the rest, which is the start of the flow. It is automatically positioned to the right of the initial clefs.

A♭ major key signature input at the start of the piece


You can also add key signatures using the Key Signatures, Tonality Systems, and Accidentals panel on the right of the window, which you can show by clicking Panels Panels button in the Notations toolbox, then Key Signatures, Tonality Systems, and Accidentals Key Signatures, Tonality Systems, and Accidentals button in the Notations toolbox in the Notations toolbox.

In the Key Signatures section, you can click the down arrow Fewer Sharps/More Flats button in the Key Signatures, Tonality Systems, and Accidentals panel until the display has four flats, choose Major at the top, and then click the key signature to input it.