Bars 33-35 include cross-staff beams (beams that start on the bottom staff but end on the top staff) and chords with alternative note spellings. In this task, you will input all the notes and chords required in these bars; in the next two tasks, you will cross notes from the bottom staff to the top staff and respell notes to show the Bs.
In bar 33, select the rest on the bottom staff.
Press Shift-N to start note input.
If chord input is active, press Q to stop chord input.
Press ; to open the tuplets popover.
Enter 3:2x into the popover.
Press Return to close the popover and input a 16th note triplet.
Press 4 to select 16th notes (semiquavers).
Press D to input a D♭, then Ctrl/Cmd-Alt/Opt-Down Arrow twice to transpose it down two octaves.
Press Shift-Alt/Opt-A to input the A♭ a fifth above, rather than a fourth below, the preceding D♭, then D to input the D♭ a fourth above that.
Press : (that is, Shift-;) to stop tuplet input.
Press 3 to select 32nd notes (demisemiquavers).
Press F, A, D, then F to input the corresponding pitches.
Press 6, then A to input a quarter note A♭.
Press Q to start chord input.
Press Ctrl-Alt-D (Windows) or Ctrl-D (macOS) to input a D♭ a fifth below, rather than a fourth above, the previous A♭, then 0, E, 0, G, 0, then A.
This inputs the chord on beat 3 with the required natural accidentals. You will respell the A♮ into a B later.
Press Up Arrow to move the caret to the top staff.
Press ', 0, then Ctrl-Alt-E (Windows) or Ctrl-E (macOS).
This selects the marcato articulation, natural accidental, and inputs an E♮ a sixth below, rather than a third above, the preceding note on the top staff (that is, the C at the bottom of the chord in bar 32).
Press Esc or Return to stop note input.
Bar 33 should now look like this:
Select everything in bar 33, then press R twice to repeat it in bars 34 and 35.
Select everything in bars 33-35, then choose Edit > Remove Rests.
A quick way of selecting everything in bars 33-35 is to click on the bottom staff in bar 33, but not on the notes, then Shift-click on the top staff in bar 35, also not on the notes.
You have input the notes and chords required for bars 33-35 and removed the rests. Removing rests was necessary here because the chords will behave as if they were in a down-stem voice when you cross them to the top staff. When cross-staff music only involves a single voice, removing rests is not necessary: Dorico hides them as required automatically.