
Nuendo Live Help

Nuendo Live
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The toolbar provides access to the main dialogs, menus, editing tools and options, and transport controls.

  • To show/hide tools, open the toolbar context menu by right-clicking in an empty area of the toolbar, and activate the tools that you want to display. To show all tools, select Show All.


    The number of elements that are shown also depends on the size of the Project window and the screen resolution.

The following options are available:

Project Settings


Opens the Settings dialog.

Left Divider

Left Divider

Tools that are placed to the left of the divider are always shown.

Tool Buttons

Object Selection

Selects events.

Range Selection

Selects ranges.

Event Colors

Select Color for Selected Tracks or Events

Opens the Colorize panel, which allows you to colorize the selected tracks or events.



Keeps the project cursor visible during playback.

Select Auto-Scroll Settings

Allows you to activate Page Scroll or Stationary Cursor and to activate Suspend Auto-Scroll When Editing.

Record Panel

Record Panel

Opens the Record panel in a separate window.


Jump to Marker 1 - 4/Locate Marker

Allows you to set and locate marker positions 1 to 4. Locate Marker allows you to move the project cursor to further marker positions.


Go to Left Locator Position

Allows you to go to the left locator position.

Left Locator Position

Shows the left locator position.

Go to Right Locator Position

Allows you to go to the right locator position.

Right Locator Position

Shows the right locator position.

Transport Controls

Go to Previous Marker/Zero

Moves the project cursor to the previous marker/zero position on the timeline.

Go to Next Marker/Project End

Moves the project cursor to the next marker/project end.


Moves backward.

Fast Forward

Moves forward.

Activate Cycle

Activates/Deactivates cycle mode.


Stops playback.


Starts playback.

Transport Record

Activates/Deactivates record mode.

Time Display

Select Time Format

Allows you to select a time format.

Time Display

Shows the position of the project cursor in the selected time format.



Activates/Decativates the recording of MIDI timecode information.

Timecode State

Shows the MIDI timecode state.

Incoming Timecode

Shows the MIDI timecode state. Click the triangle to the left to select a timecode source.

Audio Performance Meter

Audio Performance Meter

The upper bar displays the current real-time peak load. The lower bar shows the hard disk transfer load of the disk engine.

For a more detailed display of real-time peak and ASIO-Guard load, click to open the Audio Performance panel.

Shows the current Average Performance Load and Disk Cache Load. Double-click the display to open it in a separate window.

Right Divider

Right Divider

Tools that are placed to the right of the divider are always shown.