When you record-enable a track, all incoming audio is automatically recorded to a buffer. This allows you to recover the beginning of a performance, in case you have started recording too late.
For all record-enabled tracks, you can record and recover up to 60 seconds of audio.
You can set the size of the pre-record buffer via the Pre-Record Time parameter in the Audio System section of the Settings dialog.
To recover the pre-recorded audio, drag the event start border to the left.
The pre-record function takes up RAM for every input. At high sample rates (such as 96 kHz, 192 kHz), this can exceed the memory available on your computer. As a general rule, a pre-record time of 1 minute takes up 8 MB per track at 48 kHz, and 16 MB at 96 kHz.
When recording more than 64 tracks, high pre-record settings can slow down the performance of the user interface.