Where to Go From Here

First Steps

WaveLab Cast
Document type

We hope that you have now successfully created your first podcast and are satisfied with the result, and that you have enjoyed working with WaveLab Cast.

In this First Steps with WaveLab Cast guide, we put the emphasis on introducing you to some of the basic features of the application, which we believe are useful for completing your first podcast project.

As soon as you feel ready to explore WaveLab Cast’s other – and more advanced – features, you can refer to the WaveLab Cast Operation Manual on steinberg.help for further information, instructions, and tips.

In addition to this, you can go to our Steinberg WaveLab Channel on YouTube, where experts share their knowledge and experience with you. Our video tutorials range from beginner level to professional mastering workflows, covering WaveLab Cast as well as other variants, such as or .

To exchange ideas with other WaveLab users or to ask questions, you can visit the WaveLab discourse forums on steinberg.net.

Last but not least, we appreciate your feedback and questions and would love to hear from you!

Wishing you all the best and many loyal podcast listeners,

The WaveLab Cast Team