Recording in WaveLab Cast

First Steps

WaveLab Cast
Document type

You can record your main content and any voice-overs; that is, your own voice and contributions by any additional hosts, guests, or interviewees, in WaveLab Cast.


Your microphone and your headphones are set up. See Setting up Your System.


  1. Add a new track to your audio montage by clicking Add Track icon at the top of the track control area, on the left side of the Audio Montage window.
    Adding a track
  2. Choose one of the following track types:
    • Mono Track

    • Stereo Track

    • Video Track


    The default track type for spoken content, such as the Host track, is Mono. The mono icon to the left of the Host label indicates that it is a mono track. The stereo icon next to the Music track and the SoundFX track labels indicates that they are stereo tracks.

  3. To rename the track, double-click on the track name, and enter a new name into the Track Name field. Click OK.
  4. Click the Record Enable button in the track control area of the new track.
  5. Select your microphone from the Audio Input list.
  6. Click the Record Enable button again.

    The icon starts flashing and alternates between Record and Pause.

  7. Put on your headphones, and activate Monitor in the track control area.
  8. Click Record on the transport bar at the bottom of the workspace, and start speaking.
  9. To stop or interrupt recording, click Stop on the transport bar.
  10. To resume recording, click Record on the transport bar again.


You have created a new clip on the track, which contains your recorded audio.